When will I receive my refund?

As soon as we have received your return parcel, we will initiate the refund process. The time it takes for a refund to be issued depends on the payment method you chose but will be processed within 14 days after you handed over your return parcel to the respective courier.

You will receive the refund through the means of payment you chose for your order. Depending on which payment option you have used, it typically takes between 2-30 days from the time we have transferred the payment until the money is visible in your account.

If you paid with credit card, you should receive your refund within 2-5 business days. With Mastercard, it can take between 2-30 days, depending on the terms and conditions of your bank. If you used Klarna, you will automatically receive an amended invoice from Klarna within 2 business days.

However, we may withhold a refund until we have received the item back from you, or until you have provided documentation of having returned the item - whichever happens sooner.

Please note that you are liable for any loss in value of the returned goods. In the event of loss or damage of your return parcel, we need the receipt you received from the courier when you handed in your return parcel to investigate the case and process a refund. Therefore, please remember to always ask for a return receipt.

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